Victoria Benach

Victoria Benach Testimony

Victoria Matveiva was born in the Ukraine in the city of Dneiperprotrovsk. As a young girl she was told that there is no God and that the Bible is not the Word of God. After graduation from High School, Victoria went to the University to study Linguistics. During this period of time her grandfather passed away. The local Russian Orthodox Priest told Victoria that if she really loved her grandfather and wanted to see him go to heaven, she should pray a certain verse in the Psalms for 40 days. Victoria began to pray, but could not understand how you could pray for a person who was not really a good person and that they would go to heaven because you prayed for 40 days. She said her grandfather drank and did not live a good life.
After a few days, Victoria stopped praying, but had many questions about the meaning of life and if there was really a heaven. A friend invited her to go to a series of lectures that were being held to start a new Church in her city. After some reservation, she agreed to attend the meeting.
What Victoria found there shocked her. In her city, no one smiled because life was hard. Here at the meeting were young couples smiling and having a good time. When the Pastor spoke, he shared that if one did not know Jesus Christ as their Savior they would not go to heaven but instead would go to a place called Hell.
After the service, the Pastor spoke to Victoria and asked if she would be going to heaven. Vicka did not know for sure and agreed with the Pastor that she was a sinner. She told the man that she did not want to go to Hell but wanted to go to heaven. That first service, Victoria accepted the Lord.
Her life was changed immediately. She became a faithful member of the Church and began to help in all the Church functions. She taught Sunday School for children later.
For some strange reason, Victoria felt an unusual love for the Jewish people. Although she did not have any Jewish friends, she felt love for these people. Her Pastor, himself a missionary to the Jews, told her that he could not take her out alone on visitation to the Jewish people. Victoria asked him what she should do. Pray and Wait, were his words. So, for 13 years, Victoria prayed and waited until in 2015 she was introduced to Henry Benach, a Jewish Missionary for many years. Henry’s wife of 41 years had passed away and the Pastor who led her to the Lord suggested she meet him.
One year later, Henry and Victoria were married.
Today, Victoria is conducting very successful ladies’ meetings in Cuba. She is involved in the Jewish Evangelism with Henry and is fulfilling her calling to the Jewish people.