Ministry Opportunities

Ministries Opportunities
The need to reach the Jewish people is greater than ever. Many are accepting the truth that Jesus is the Messiah. There is openness to the gospel as never before. It has been said recently that, “more Jews have been saved in the last 19 years than in the last 1900 years.“As the return of the Lord draws nearer and nearer, He is dealing with his “chosen people” as never before. The need is great, but the laborers are few. Cities across America and around the world are in desperate need of a fundamental, local church witness to the Jewish community.
Jewish End-Time Ministries (JEM) is a Bible-believing, independent Baptist ministry. Our Partners work to enlist those who believe into the local church. We are non-Messianic in our approach.
Around the world, there are hundreds of fields untouched by Jewish workers. Millions of Jewish people need to hear the truth of the Messiah. As a full-time Partner with JEM you will receive training from the very beginning of your ministry. We seek to equip each worker with the knowledge and resources to accomplish their task. Good sound literature is available to give to Jewish people. Nearly 30 years of experience and contacts will help you get to the field in the shortest amount of time.
Once on the field, JEM will partner with you to provide many services to make your job easier, including printing, and handling of all your accounts.
If you feel called to be a JEM Partner, and maintain the standards we uphold, Jewish End-Time Ministries is your best choice. Call or write for a preliminary application, today.
If you are interested in knowing more, please contact us at:
Jewish End-Time Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 300
Graysville, GA 30726
Ph: (423) 602-8600
Or just fill out the information from below: