Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan’s Testimony
Jason Jordan was raised in Williamsburg, OH in a very good Christian home where his family attended Bible Baptist Church, Mount Orab, OH. One night after Vacation Bible School, Jason came home and his sister began to tell him of how she received Christ as her Savior. That night, after hearing her testimony, Jason’s mother came into the room and took her Bible and explained the need for Salvation. Jason accepted Christ as his Savior and then followed in baptism shortly after.
Jason went to a church camp in Miamisburg, OH named Camp Chautauqua when he was going into the second grade. While at camp that week, there was an evangelist who was preaching and sharing his testimony of how he was a truck driver and addicted to drugs. He shared how God had begun to work in his life and called him into the Gospel Ministry. While listening to his testimony, God began working in Jason’s heart.
He knew God wanted him to serve Him full-time. During the altar call, he went forward and surrendered his life to full-time ministry, specifically to missions.
At the age of fifteen, he began to prepare himself for the ministry by becoming more involved in his local church. He began serving by working in the bus ministry and getting involved in different areas of children’s ministry. He also developed a desire to win souls to Christ. His Youth Pastor took him out on visitation and showed him how to win someone to Christ. He then went around his hometown during his summer break and spent time soul winning and inviting people to church.
Jason married his beautiful wife Sara in July 2007 and they have three children Maddi, Graci, and Isaiah. Jason began working full-time for Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab, OH where he served as Youth Pastor and also served in various other ministries of the church. Jason has also Pastored and worked in two other churches. In March of 2019, Jason and Sara took their first missions’ trip to Cuba with JEM. Without any expectations going into the trip, the Lord began working in both of their hearts that it was time to start preparing for missions. In July 2022, they returned to Cuba with the opportunity to lead a children’s outreach. During this trip God confirmed to Jason and Sara of their calling to missions and it was on this trip that they surrendered to full-time missions to Spanish speaking people. It is their desire to do as much work as possible in Cuba, but at the same time to work in other Spanish speaking countries.