Janel Nemeño

Janel Nemeño's Testimony

Pastor Janel Vergara Nemeño is one of our missionaries, pictured here with his family. Janel is married to Jethre Joy Jimena Nemeño and has been blessed with three (3) wonderful children: Jethrielle Jan (15), Josiah James (10), and Jaysen Janu (3). Janel currently preaches at Berean Baptist Church, Binalbagan, Philippines, sharing the gospel with those in his community.
To give some background to his faith and story, Pastor Nemeno was raised in a Godly Christian family accepting our Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior when he was twelve (12) years old and baptized that same year. After graduating from high school at fifteen (15) the Lord led Brother Janel to attend Bible college, enrolling at Bible Baptist College Cebu City. The college was under the ministry of Bible Baptist Church of Senior Pastor Dr. Armie F. Jesalva. After graduation he became the youth director of his home church, Bible Baptist Temple Barili, located in Cebu, Philippines. But there was more still in the plan for Janel Nemeño.
Janel's Mission and Ministry
At the age of twenty (20) the Lord impressed upon the heart of Brother Janel to start a pioneering work in Badian, Cebu where he ministered for six (6) years. In 2008 Brother Janel was recommended to assume the responsibility of the ministry of his father-in-law, Jether Josh Jimena. After the endorsement his father-in-law had his sixth (6) stroke. On December 14 th he went home to be with our Lord. Today by God’s amazing grace and blessings, the hand of God is working in the ministry with; a radio ministry, fifteen (15) local churches planted, forty (40) children’s outreaches have been established, a bible school founded, a Christian school instituted, a jail ministry initiated, a campus ministry established, youth camps convening during the summer months and a World- Wide Missions Conference held in November for the purpose of stirring the hearts of pastors, missionaries and church workers to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ world-wide to reach the Jew and gentile peoples with the gospel while establishing new churches.
In 2016 the Lord put a burden in Brother Janel’s heart to reach out to the Jewish People. In 2018 the Lord made it possible for him to be introduced to Dr. Henry Alan Benach founder of Jewish End-time Ministries whose purpose is to share the Word of Messiah with the Jewish people. Today by God’s grace Brother Janel will be spearheading the Jewish End-time Ministries, Philippines/Asia Ministry. This new ministry is to minister to Jewish people in the Philippines and neighboring countries with Jewish communities with the gospel. This ministry includes communicating with churches during mission conferences to reach Jewish people with the news of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus Christ the Messiah, and supporting Jewish Missionaries around the World.