Evangelism Seminars

Do you know how to approach your Jewish friends with the Good news of Jesus the Messiah? Would you like to know how? Our Jewish Evangelism Seminars are designed to help Christians understand how to witness to the Jewish people. BE INFORMED, BE READY!
If you are a Pastor who has an interest in reaching the Jewish people in your area, JEM stands ready to present to your church a 1-3 day seminar on Jewish Evangelism, Jewish Customs, Objections to the Messiah, “How to start an “End-time Outreach Fellowship” in your church, how to use good Gospel literature with Jewish people, and other topics of interest.
Our committment to Jewish Evangelism is stronger than ever before. We believe the Messiah will return for his church at any minute, leaving behind millions of Jewish people who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.. Please consider allowing us to come, at no cost, to teach your church how to begin a ministry to God’s Chosen people, the Jews.
If you would like additional information, please CONTACT US @ JEM