Bryan and Clarissa’s Testimony
Missionaries To The Jewish People Serving With Jewish End-time Ministries.
I was raised in a suburb near Baltimore, Maryland where I was brought up in what one may call a non-religious Catholic home. For many years not knowing the true meaning behind holidays such as Christmas and Easter at the age of 16, I began to question about who Jesus was and what these celebrations meant and was quickly introduced to the Catholic system and practices. As a teenager though confused about many things it became apparent to me that these practices I was being taught were in direct conflict to the bible itself. As an unregenerate teenager this quickly became a point of confusion. Later, finding out that both of my grandparents on mom’s side came from German descent, but my grandmother who was also Jewish sent me on a search for and a struggle for TRUTH as I realized there were many religions and I needed to get to the bottom of this as I did believe my soul was at stake.
Hitting the fast forward button, one day I was working at Boston Market in Pikesville, MD (an Orthodox Jewish community) and while on my lunch break I sat down in a coffee shop with my NIV (what I thought was the Word of God at the time), a young man (a saved Hungarian Jew) that was a barista, came over and spoke with me inviting me to Lighthouse Independent Baptist Church where his father was the pastor. I accepted this invitation and heard a very clear presentation of the Gospel from the true Word of God (The KJV) and realized that night in the church pew that if I died I was on my way to Hell. That night I learned of my pending judgement and God’s amazing grace as spoken of in Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8, 9 and Romans 10:13. That night was the most important night of this old sinner’s life where Jesus Christ blood was applied and I received the atonement (Leviticus 17:11) for my sins and He saved me from Hell and now I know that I am sealed and kept by the power of God, HalleluJAH. Psalms 68:4 I Peter 1:5 Ephesians 4:30
Several years later, through numerous interventions the Lord led me to be part of starting a ministry in the Scranton, PA area but not before seeing Pastor Erdos lead David Alexander, a holocaust survivor, and the lead Rabbi in Baltimore and his wife to the Lord as well as many other Jewish souls who received literature and a tremendous witness and presentation of the Jewish Messiah through the outreach of Lighthouse Independent Baptist Church. I have been privileged to have been mentored and taught by some tremendous men of God which I will always thank my Saviour for.
It was again several years later after attending some of the bible school courses taught by Lighthouse Baptist Bible Institute I met my dear wife, Clarissa McDonald in church. She was saved in August of 2005 in the afternoon after the morning service. We were married in 2008 and she has been a great help and inspiration to me especially after going through a kidney/pancreas transplants and nearing deaths door in 2018 and 2019, by showing great faith keeping a beautiful testimony witnessing to fellow patients and hospital staff. The Lord also in the midst of all of this restored Clarissa’s eyesight for which we greatly thank the Lord. Proverbs 18:22 Ephesians 5:22-28
Between the Lord placing me in places through secular jobs, including hospitals with my wife during difficult times and my childhood, He has continually prepared us for the ministry He has called us to and it is truly a privilege to show the greatest form of love to the Jewish people, which is to care for their very souls by presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them with love, longsuffering, and patience.
It was by the love of one man and his family to come to Baltimore to reach the Jews that I was invited to church and heard the Gospel and was saved and now God has put a deep burden for His people on the heart of both my wife and I to reach them for Christ and to see them saved. Romans 9:2 Romans 10:1