The Advisory Board of Jewish End-time Ministries is comprised of Pastors and laymen who have a special interest in seeing Jewish people find their Messiah and assisting JEM in accomplishing this great task. The Advisory Board was formed to give valuable guidance to the Officers and National workers of JEM who believe that “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14
Current Members

Theodore Ray House
Pastor House was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was saved and baptized at the age of seventeen at Ambassador Baptist Temple. After graduating from high school, he married his sweetheart, Carol, in 1981. They have two daughters and seven grandchildren which are actively serving the Lord at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab.
Reverend House was called into full-time ministry in 1987 and shortly thereafter, he enrolled at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. He graduated in 1992 with a B.S. in Pastoral Ministries and a minor in Music. After his third year of college, he accepted the pastorate at the Beth Haven Baptist Church in Walnut Grove, Missouri where he was ordained in 1990 and served as their pastor four years.
In February of 1994, Reverend House joined the staff at Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab. He served as the assistant to the pastor, Dr. Charles H. Smith as well as the Music Director and the Sunday School Superintendent. In May of 2015, Bible Baptist Church, Mt. Orab called Reverend House as pastor.

Greg Powell
Pastor Greg Powell grew up in Kansas City, MO and after sensing the call of God to enter full-time ministry, he attended Pensacola Christian College and earned a degree in Bible and speech. He has served at four churches (in Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee) in various pastoral roles. He has been the senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN since 2019. He has received a master's degree and is pursuing a doctorate from Piedmont School of Divinity in Winton-Salem, NC. Greg and his wife Karen have three children ages 20, 18, and 14.
Greg is committed to practical, expository preaching and is thrilled to see God revitalizing His church by mobilizing believers to embrace the Great Commission. He is extremely grateful to have Henry and Victoria as part of his congregation.

J. Michael Norris
God allowed Pastor Norris to work a great job and help with the youth in his home church of Ripley Baptist Temple, in Ripley West Virginia. After several years of being a faithful layman in the church, Pastor Norris felt God calling him to serve the Lord full-time. In 1987, he accepted a job as the youth pastor at the Ripley Baptist Temple, and two years later, the church called him to be the senior pastor of the church. Under his leadership, the church grew to an average attendance of over six hundred in the small town of Ripley, West Virginia.
In January of 1999, God called Pastor Norris to become the pastor of Franklin Road Baptist Church. His heart for preaching and teaching God’s people through Biblical principles and his heart to see people grow in God’s Word are evident each day as he leads the Franklin Road Baptist Church.
Pastor Norris has been an invaluable friend and supporter of Jewish End-time Ministries for over 20 years.