About JEM

From The President
Thank you for visiting Jewish End-time Ministries Online. It is my greatest prayer that you will see the urgent need of sharing your faith with God’s precious Jewish people. Our ministries have a three-fold purpose for Churches and individuals alike. First, it is our desire to educate and encourage individuals to witness to their Jewish friends and co-workers in their community.
This is accomplished by providing you with books, tracts, video’s and other materials to help you be better prepared to share the truth of the Messiah with Jewish People. In addition, JEM stands ready to assist anyone who needs advise, assistance, and aid in witnessing to their Jewish friends. You can call our office at (423) 602-8600 and discuss with a JEM Staff member your situation. With years of experience we will assist you on how to respond to the many objections that you will face in your witness.
Second, to be a RESOURCE CENTER to the Local Church by providing high quality materials to give to Jewish people. Our tracts are specifically designed for Jewish people, using key verses in the Jewish Scriptures that are fulfilled in the New Covenant. As part of our RESOURCE CENTER, we have provided you with many tools that will help you fulfill the command of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16, to take the Gospel, “To the Jew First, and also to the Greek.”
All of our high quality Jewish tracts are available to you, FREE OF CHARGE !! Check out our Resource page to see the tracts available.
Our third goal is to engage in large-scale evangelism, around the world, to reach the masses for the cause of Christ. JEM assembles teams to travel overseas for short periods to time, working with local Churches within that country to reach the Jews and Gentiles, as well as establishing new Churches and discipling those that are saved. JEM seeks to identify a national worker and assist him in establishing a ministry to the Jewish people in his city or country. CONTACT US if you have a desire to participate in any of our Outreaches around the world.
Would you please consider joining us in Prayer, as a witnessing Partner, or help provide greatly needed financial assistance, so that together we can accomplish the End-time task of bringing God’s Chosen People, the Jewish nation, back to their Lord and Savior.
Thank You
Dr. Henry A. Benach
President, JEM